Do you have unique skills you want to use to support pride? Maybe you’re an event organizer, a graphic designer, an interpreter, or have some other useful skill.
Become a part of the board and help grow the local queer community!
How do you become a board member?
Anyone may attend our monthly board meetings, but to become a full board member, you need to attend at least three meetings. At the end of your third meeting, we will ask if you wish to join, and if you say yes, you’re officially part of the board.
To become an Executive Board Member, you must be a full board member, express interest in one or more of the executive roles, and be elected by the other board members during the election meeting in October. Executive Board Members are elected every year, but there are no term limits, so former executive board members may run again.
Where and when are the meetings?
When: 6:30 pm on the first Wednesday of every month
Where: In-person at Marion Polk Food Share or online via Google Meet: